Managing Expectations at University
Hello future colleagues. Terrific Tuesday to You!
Managing your expectations as a student at the tertiary level is very important. You have started or about to start your semester this new year and undoubtedly you have ideas of what you want to achieve. Everyone would like to get an ‘A’ in each course; some of you will and the others will not. The question is, ‘what do you want at the end of the next 12 to 16 weeks of studies?’
Often we go into courses thinking they are easy and do not put in enough work and we are disappointed with the outcome. At other times, the course becomes our nemesis and no matter what we do it seems that we’re getting nowhere. This is when we need to re-assess. Remember out SMART goals (edition 2)? Revisit them and make adjustments. There is one reality you must recognize: you need to show up and participate or you would never meet your expectations!
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Your job as a student is to bridge that gap of what you want to do and how to get there. What do you currently have that can help you be successful? Maybe previous knowledge of the subject; a genuine interest in the course; a great rapport with the lecturer which reduces some of the nerves of tackling tougher course material – whatever it is, you may have more going for you than you originally thought. Find your positives!
Next, you work your SMART goals and don’t beat yourself up too much with disappointments. You know what I’m talking about…remember that assignment or midterm that you thought you aced and then the grade got posted and to date you have no explanation of what the hell happened? Yep, that’s a fact of life; there will be challenges, failures and eventually successes. “It’s not an easy road” to quote Buju, but it’s one that you must travel to get to your desires. The expectation and the reality usually look very different.
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“Your expectations should never outweigh your participation.” Craig Watson.
So buckle up and manage the ride to another successfully completed academic year! I know You got this.
I would welcome topics of interest from you to better serve you with needed information. Next edition, we will discuss staying motivated throughout the semester.
Looking forward to your continued participation in our community!
Regards, Nadine